Each bag is handmade to order, or made in small batches, so it usually takes 1-2 weeks to make your order, and then another 2-7 days for shipping. If you have a tight timeline, reach out and I'll do what I can to help you meet your deadline! Full details are on our Shipping & Returns page.

I want you to be happy with your bag, but if you're not, you can return unused bags within 14 days of receiving your package. You will receive a full refund in the original payment form once the item has been received and inspected.

Monogrammed items are final sale, and cannot be returned.

Items need to be in unused condition, and please reuse the packaging if possible. Customers are responsible for return shipping costs. Full details are on our Shipping & Returns page.

Unfortunately, not at this time. That said, if it's a change in strap length, etc, I'm happy to help - just get in touch!

Patina is a word that gets thrown around a lot in the leather world. In a nutshell, it's the way a leather ages with time and wear. Vegetable tanned leather is famous for the way it ages - deepening in color, softening, gaining depth and character that simply can't be replicated. All the scratches and scuffs that happen along the way incorporate into the patina. The patina on your bag is earned, and will be unique to you and the way your use your bag, and it's the quintessential characteristic that makes your bag look EVEN better with time.

In a nutshell, you'll want to keep your bag hydrated by conditioning every few months or so. You can wipe off any dust or dirt with a lint-free cloth, and then use a conditioner, (I like Smith's Leather Balm) with a second clean soft applicator.

Avoid agressively rubbing the monogram!

Check out our Leather Care page for more details.